Monday, March 21, 2011

Canyonlands Half Marathon

The time shown in the above picture was the clock time---not chip time. We were slow but not quite that slow.

This weekend Kurt and I went to Moab so I could run the half marathon. I was so excited to take all the kids down and have a fun family weekend. But, one by one, each of them had something come up or made other plans. So it ended up just Kurt and I---which was great.
I had signed up to run the race with Cami and Kaci. Kaci had to drop out because of a foot injury. She was bummed about that. I felt like I was fairly well prepared. I had a goal in mind and we were doing pretty well to hit that goal. Then about mile 9 my knee started hurting. I was hoping it would go away like random pains do so many times. Well it didn't go away. By mile 10 I had to stop and walk. From that point on I was walking more than running. So, unfortunately, we were way slower than I had hoped. But we did finish.

Injuries are so frustrating!! I did not have one IT band problem during all of my training. I can't figure out what the problem was. Add to that the fact that we had a head wind the entire race. Not at all the race I was hoping for. I guess there is always next year...

1 comment:

Ryan said...

Marnie, I can't believe you didn't RUN the whole way. My image of you as a superwoman is totally shot! :)