Monday, October 15, 2012

Families are forever.

Sweet Max

A terrible accident happened on Friday morning in our England family. My uncle Todd's family was in the beach house in Dana Point/Capistrano Beach. Aunt Jeannette and cousins Courtney, Chelsey and Amanda were all in Denver at the time for a girls weekend.  Courtney's 17 month-old Max escaped briefly and was found floating in the hot tub. Todd and Chase found him, called 911 and immediately started CPR. The paramedics arrived and continued working on him while they took him to the hospital in San Clemente. The doctors confirmed, at that time, that there was no brain function. He was then transferred to Children's Hospital of Orange County where he passed away Saturday morning.

I remember thinking, after I got the terrible news of the accident, that he would be okay. Although he was on a ventilator, his little heart was beating on its own.  I just kept thinking he would be okay----our prayers and pleading with the Lord would be answered and Max would live. But that was not Heavenly Father's plan for Max. And what a tragedy it would be if we didn't have the knowledge of Heavenly Father's plan. I know they will see him again and that he is sealed to Courtney and Gordon forever.

I'm hugging my kids and husband a little tighter today. I know that every minute I have with them is precious and could be taken away so quickly. But my knowledge of the gospel plan is sure and how eternally grateful I am that families are forever. 


Christy said...

This is so sad! Our stake president mentioned in Relief Society how he sat with them and that they have had some really strong, spiritual moments. It is heartbreaking. I have kissed Emmy 100 times more today.

Ryan said...

So sorry to hear the news, Marnie. However, what a powerful testimony.