Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I'm afraid to say it.....

...but I'm feeling caught up today. I guarantee that feeling will change by tomorrow. However, it's nice to feel that even for one day. I can't remember when I felt this way last....November maybe??!! I'm not kidding either. Life certainly has a way of passing you by in a hurry.

Here are some random thoughts that I should document somewhere:

I was called as YW 2nd Counselor at the end of January (the day we left for Costa Rica in fact!). That may be one of the reasons I can't get caught up...

Our snowblower has not been used ONE (not even ONE) time this winter season! I may be speaking too soon but hopefully not. It has snowed but not enough to have a need to snowblow it off the driveway.

Kurt wrote a script a while back called Osombie. He ended up selling it to a local production company who produced it for the Sy-Fy Channel. It has gotten a lot of buzz lately. Not sure when it will air on tv yet. The same company has also asked him to write another script in the next couple of months. Kind of exciting!

I haven't been doing any catering for a while. While I enjoy it, it has actually been kind of nice to have a break for a while. The other job I have (besides my mom job) seems to take more of my time than I would like. Since July I have been fulfilling product orders for Halestone. It's a good part-time job. I can work whenever I want and I'm basically my own boss.

I don't know what weird format this blog is doing lately but it's not doing what it used to and I don't know how to fix it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love it!