Thursday, October 7, 2010

Better late than never...

...I always say. I started this apron at a Relief Society meeting a while ago and, when I say awhile, I mean A-WHILE! Let's just say it was more than a year but less than two! Anyway, for some reason, I decided to pull it out and finish it today. I love the fabric so much. I can't wait to wear it tonight when I'm whipping up a gourmet meal of grilled cheese and soup!

It's a good thing the above picture is not the best so you can't see my mediocre (at best) sewing. All you seamstresses out there---don't judge me! I realize the bottom ruffle is shorter than all the others. I may have to unpick that and redo it. Then again, maybe I'll get around to that next year. :)

1 comment:

Barb Elder said...

So cute I love the fabric!! Wat to go Marnie!!