I can't believe that we are coming up on two years of keeping this blog. I have enjoyed keeping a journal of sorts through this little site and even Kurt has come to appreciate it in his own way! I have seen this idea on several other blogs and thought it would be a good idea to do the same thing. I just want to list things about our family now----not in any particular order----just as they come to my mind. I think it will be fun to look back years down the road and see what we were doing, what we liked, etc.
Our family goes through milk, cereal and yogurt like there's no tomorrow!!!
Emerson is playing on an Orem City girls basketball team. Most of her friends are on the team. Kurt and Mike Young are the coaches. I'm proud of her for trying something new and she LOVES it!
Montana just finished reading the Book of Mormon for her Virtue value project. She is on target to receive her Young Womanhood Recognition by the time she turns 17 in June. I am so proud of her. She has worked hard to accomplish all those goals.
Kurt is still serving as 1st counselor in a bishopric on BYU campus. He's coming up on his second year and loves it.
I am still serving in Relief Society as the 2nd counselor.
Finn is getting close to earning his Eagle. He only has a few more (hard) merit badges and his Eagle project.
Indy continues to work on merit badges also.
Finn and Indy are OBSESSED with going to Woodward skateboard camp. It is expensive!!! Like over $1000 per week for one kid!
Montana drives herself to school every day. I love that she can drive and it will be so nice when she can drive Finn next year!
Emerson and Paige are BFF!
Montana and Mo are BFF (except for when they're fighting....)!
Finn and Indy are BFF-----awww, I love that.
Math is Montana's strong subject this year. She is taking pre-calculus and has gotten 100% on more than one test this year!
Spanish is the least favorite class for Montana, Finn AND Indy.
I have boycotted putting my hands in dirty, wrong-side out socks and underwear when I am doing the laundry. Gross! I'm sure we will have family business about this more than several times before the year is over.
Kurt's dad is doing a round of radiation right now. At the beginning of the year he had a PET scan which showed that tumors had not grown or spread since the last scan! We are very happy and have high hopes that it will remain this way.
Kurt and 2 of his brothers are in bishoprics right now!
For one of the few times in our married life, we own cars instead of leasing them.
It looks like everyone in our family but Emerson will be going on Pioneer Trek with our stake in June.
Kurt gets up every morning to make the kid's school lunches.